
Find the right buyer for your object
The matching tool allows you to find contacts that are appropriate for a particular object. With a few clicks, you can manage the criteria: give the budget a minimum and maximum margin or define desired regions. Save valuable time thanks to the matching mass processing. In no time you can process a large number at the same time.
Stay informed thanks to Global Matching
The system continuously examines your contacts and objects to make potential matchings. Every change results in a recalculation of the matching possibilities. Thanks to a notification on your dashboard, you are always up-to-date and see all possibilities at a glance.
Discover our other tools
Mobile app IMMOMIG® 4.0
With the mobile app, you and your broker will synchronize and synchronize data.
MLS sharing proposals
Immomig® informs about the number of contacts in the partner agency that might be interested in an object.
E-Mail creator
Easily create a professional e-mail for your customers directly in the system.
Immomig V10
Have a look on the latest version of our online software Immomig®.