Interactive location analysis by Wüest Partner: «LocationSpot»


Interactive location analysis by Wüest Partner: «LocationSpot»
We have been placing our trust in Wüest Partner for a year now. Since the end of 2020, our customers have had access to a price range for each object, for which they also have the possibility of ordering a complete hedonic evaluation, in order to know their market value. A new function has just been introduced.

In October 2020, we first gave our PRO customers the opportunity to estimate the value of their properties using a price range from Wüest Partner (Blog from 28.10.20). In a second step, they also had the possibility to order a complete hedonic valuation from Wüest Partner and receive a detailed valuation report from them. (Blog from 09.12.20)

Today, we are pleased to present the newest feature added by Wüest Partner: "LocationSpot". This application provides an interactive location analysis on a map in order to have all important information about the surroundings of the object.

With LocationSpot, you can access various important and decisive information about the location of a property for you and your clients:

  • Environment: the following points of interest are shown on the map: traffic, shopping/service, gastronomy, culture/leisure, educational institutions and public buildings.

  • Location: 1 to 5 stars are given to criteria such as noise pollution, distance to schools, quality of public transport, ...

  • Region: municipal indicators are given such as tax burden, transaction price, supply rate, ...

How to get it?

You have access to "LocationSpot" on the valuation report that you receive after each complete valuation order from Wüest Partner. This means that you will have complete information on the location of the object you have ordered. "LocationSpot" can then be used for other purposes by inserting the link into your real estate advertisements or your property file, for example. As a reminder, all these Wüest Partner functions are only available to customers with an Immomig® PRO licence.

Click here for an example of LocationSpot.
